Water Heaters

Water Heater Issues?

Plumbing Solutions - top portion of two water heaters

Are you experiencing issues with your water heater? Look no further! Our team of expert technicians is here to provide you with top-notch repair and installation services for your water heater needs.

Don’t hesitate!

Reach out to Plumbing Solutions for your Water Heater questions and concerns!

Discount: $100 Off water heater replacement.

If you’re in need of a new water heater installation, we’ve got the expertise to guide you through the process. Our team will assess your requirements, recommend the right type and size of water heater for your home, and handle the installation with precision and professionalism.

We work with trusted brands and high-quality equipment to ensure long-lasting performance and reliability.

water heater psi
Plumbing Solutions - Technicians and Owner Don Meier Jr.

Entrust the task to our certified technicians who possess cutting-edge know-how on water heaters, along with the necessary skills and expertise to diagnose any issue and install a replacement.

Return to your normal. Let our experts replace or upgrade your water heater and get back to your day!

Time to replace your Water Heater?

Don’t wait until it’s too late.
A water heater emergency can be costly.

Call Plumbing Solutions Today

Discount: $100 Off water heater replacement.

Signs Your Water Heater Should Be Replaced

Plumbing Solutions Inc - prevent water heater leaks graphic of person inspecting water heater leak

Your water heater plays a vital role in your everyday life, providing hot water for bathing, cleaning, and various household tasks. But how do you know when your water heater is on the verge of breaking down? Paying attention to the following signs can help you identify potential issues before they escalate:

Know the Warning Signs:

  1. Inadequate Hot Water:
    Are you noticing a decline in hot water supply? If you’re frequently running out of hot water sooner than usual or if the water doesn’t reach the desired temperature, it could be a sign of a failing water heater. Inconsistent heating performance warrants further investigation.
  2. Strange Noises:
    A normally functioning water heater should operate quietly. If you start hearing unusual sounds like popping, rumbling, or banging noises coming from your water heater, it may indicate sediment buildup inside the tank. Sediment accumulation can affect the efficiency and longevity of your system if left unaddressed.
  3. Leaks or Pooling Water:
    Any signs of water leakage around the water heater should not be ignored. Check the base of the unit and surrounding areas for pooling water, dampness, or visible leaks. Even minor leaks can indicate a problem, such as a faulty valve, loose connections, or a corroded tank. Addressing leaks promptly can help prevent extensive damage and potential water wastage.
  4. Rusty or Discolored Water:
    If your hot water appears rusty or discolored, it could be a sign of corrosion within the water heater. Rusty water can not only affect the quality of your water but also indicate that the tank itself may be deteriorating. Pay attention to any changes in water color when using hot water in your home.
  5. Foul Odors:
    Unpleasant odors coming from your hot water taps can be a red flag. Foul smells, often described as a rotten egg or sulfur-like odor, could indicate bacterial growth within the tank. This issue typically arises when the sacrificial anode rod, responsible for preventing corrosion, becomes depleted or ineffective.
  6. Age of the Water Heater:
    Consider the age of your water heater. Most conventional tank-style water heaters have a lifespan of about 8 to 12 years. If your unit is nearing or surpassing this range, it may be more prone to issues and could benefit from a professional inspection or replacement.

Should you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to address them promptly.

Ignoring water heater problems can lead to further damage, higher energy costs, or even complete system failure. Consulting a professional technician experienced in water heater repair and maintenance is the best course of action to accurately diagnose the issue and recommend appropriate solutions. At Plumbing Solutions, our team of experts is ready to assist you.

Don’t let water heater emergencies disrupt your daily routine. Keep your “normal” with Plumbing Solutions.

Contact our experts for reliable and efficient water heater services.

Call Plumbing Solutions

Our experienced technicians will swiftly evaluate, and if needed replace or upgrade your water heater

Discount: $100 Off water heater replacement.

Causes of Water Heater Issues

Plumbing Solutions Inc - technician inspecting water heater

Your water heater is a reliable workhorse, but like any appliance, it can experience issues over time. Understanding the common causes of water heater breakdowns can help you stay prepared and take proactive measures. Here are a few factors that can contribute to water heater failures:

Identifying the factors of Water Heater failure:

  1. Sediment Buildup:
    Over time, minerals and sediment can accumulate at the bottom of the water heater tank. This sediment buildup can impair heating efficiency, cause popping noises, and lead to corrosion, ultimately reducing the lifespan of the unit.
  2. Corrosion:
    Water heaters are vulnerable to corrosion, especially if they are not properly maintained. Corrosion can occur on the tank, pipes, valves, or other components. It weakens the structure, causes leaks, and can even contaminate the hot water supply.
  3. Over-pressure:
    Excessive pressure within the water heater can strain its internal components. If the pressure relief valve malfunctions or if there are issues with the temperature and pressure settings, it can result in a dangerous buildup of pressure, leading to leaks or even tank rupture.
  4. Faulty Heating Elements:
    Electric water heaters rely on heating elements to warm the water. Over time, these heating elements can deteriorate, resulting in inadequate heating or no hot water at all. A faulty heating element can disrupt the entire heating system.
  5. Anode Rod Depletion:
    Water heaters are equipped with sacrificial anode rods that help prevent tank corrosion. However, these rods can become depleted over time. Once the anode rod is consumed, the tank itself becomes more susceptible to corrosion and potential leaks.
  6. Improper Installation:
    A poorly installed water heater can lead to a range of problems. Incorrect sizing, faulty connections, or improper venting can affect the unit’s performance, efficiency, and safety.
  7. Age and Wear:
    As water heaters age, their components naturally degrade. The wear and tear accumulated over years of use can contribute to various issues, including leaks, decreased efficiency, and overall system failure.

Regular maintenance and professional inspections can help mitigate these causes and extend the lifespan of your water heater. Taking preventative measures, such as flushing the tank periodically, replacing sacrificial anode rods, and addressing small issues promptly, can significantly reduce the risk of major breakdowns.

If you’re experiencing water heater troubles or want to ensure your system remains in optimal condition, our experienced technicians are here to help.

Call Plumbing Solutions

Plumbing Solutions Inc - Owner and Master Plumber, Don Meier discusses a job with the crew while looking at a tablet. Standing in front of a Plumbing Solutions Inc. truck.

Contact us today to schedule a maintenance check or for expert repairs to keep your water heater running smoothly.

Discount: $100 Off water heater replacement.

DIY & Why a Plumber is Necessary

Plumbing Solutions Inc - Home owner looking at water heater

When faced with a broken water heater, there are a few quick fixes you can check before calling a professional plumber. However, it’s essential to understand the limitations of these fixes and recognize when it’s best to enlist the expertise of a plumbing professional. Here are some quick fixes to consider and why calling us here at Plumbing Solutions is the optimal choice:

Attempting an assessment or fix a water heater can seem straightforward, but without proper knowledge and tools, you may inadvertently make the situation worse or cause damage to your plumbing system.

Common DIY Methods and Limitations:

  1. Checking Power and Gas Supply:

    Quick Fix: Ensure that the circuit breaker for an electric water heater hasn’t tripped, or verify that the gas supply is turned on and the pilot light is lit for a gas water heater.

    Why Call a Plumber: If the power and gas supply appear to be fine but the water heater still isn’t functioning correctly, it could indicate more complex electrical or gas issues. A plumber has the knowledge and tools to diagnose and address these problems safely and effectively.

  2. Adjusting the Thermostat:

    Quick Fix: Check the thermostat settings on your water heater and adjust them as needed.

    Why Call a Plumber: While adjusting the thermostat is a straightforward task, if you’re experiencing inconsistent temperatures or the thermostat isn’t responding, it may indicate a faulty thermostat or deeper electrical issues. A plumber can accurately diagnose the problem, replace the thermostat if necessary, and ensure proper functionality.

  3. Flushing the Tank:

    Quick Fix: Flush the water heater tank to remove sediment buildup.
    Why Call a Plumber: Flushing the tank is a beneficial maintenance step; however, excessive sediment buildup may require professional attention. A plumber can assess the extent of the sediment and perform a thorough cleaning or suggest additional solutions if the sediment is affecting the water heater’s performance.

  4. Checking for Leaks:

    Quick Fix: Inspect the water heater and connections for visible leaks, and tighten any loose fittings or replace faulty valves if needed.
    Why Call a Plumber: While minor leaks may be resolved with simple tightening or valve replacements, significant leaks or persistent water pooling can be indicators of more significant damage or deteriorating components. A plumber can identify the root cause of the leaks, make proper repairs, and prevent further damage to the water heater and surrounding areas.

Our technicians here at Plumbing Solutions have years of experience, and are ready to diagnose and professionally fix all of your water heater concerns. We get great deals on the best brands. Call our office today!

Let Plumbing Solutions get you back to your normal.

Here’s why enlisting the services of a Professional Plumber with a proven track record is the smartest decision:

  1. Expertise and Experience:
    Our technicians possess extensive knowledge and experience working with water heaters. They can accurately diagnose complex issues, provide effective solutions, and ensure that repairs are done correctly and safely.

  2. Safety Assurance:
    Water heaters involve electrical and gas components, which can be hazardous if mishandled. Plumbers are trained to work with these systems safely, reducing the risk of accidents, electrical shocks, or gas leaks.

  3. Comprehensive Solutions:
    Professional plumbers offer comprehensive solutions that address the root cause of the problem rather than just applying temporary fixes. We can provide long-term solutions that ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your water heater.

  4. Long-Term Solutions:
    DIY methods often provide temporary relief, but they may not address the root cause of the clog. Plumbers offer long-term solutions by addressing the underlying issues and implementing preventive measures to prevent future clogs.
  5. Time and Convenience:
    Plumbing repairs can be time-consuming, especially if you’re not familiar with the intricacies of water heaters. Calling a plumber saves you the hassle and frustration of troubleshooting and repairing the unit yourself, allowing you to focus on other priorities.

For a broken water heater, it’s recommended to rely on the expertise of a professional plumber. We have the necessary skills, tools, and knowledge to handle complex repairs, ensure safety compliance, and provide long-lasting solutions that will restore your hot water supply efficiently.

Contact Plumbing Solutions today to schedule a service appointment with our qualified plumbers and get your water heater back in optimal working condition.

Call Plumbing Solutions Today

Discount: $100 Off water heater replacement.
